Seen: April 27, 2009
At: UA Berkeley 7
With: Myself
I have to say this was not the movie I was expecting. The commercials and previews made me think this was going to be another teenage comedy kind of along the lines of an American Pie or something. If you go into the movie with that idea you will be wrong, just as I was. But hopefully, also like me, you'll be pleasantly surprised. I really enjoyed Adventureland. It was more of a drama than a comedy and kind of a weird, round about love story. Which I guess kind of makes it a chick flick. I like Kristen Stewart and her seeming awkwardness which is on display here. I also love Bill Hader. I enjoy Ryan Reynolds, though he plays a total sleazeball in this. You root for the underdog kid, played by Jesse Eisenberg. Especially since he ends up being in competition with the sleazeball. I imagine this is what working at a place like this would be like. You have your popular crowd and your more dorky crowd. They coexist, but you can tell they aren't really friends and intermingling isn't really accepted. Oh the kid in this that is from the AT & T commercials annoyed the hell out of me, which I think was the point of his character. So, even though this movie was not what I had expected from it when I walked into the theater, I really enjoyed it.

"The Taking of Pelham 123"
Seen: June 14, 2009
At: San Mateo Century 12
With: Ol' Uncle Montie
I would have to say while this movie did go beyond my expectations, it was just ok. I say this mostly because I went into the movie with no real expectations. It was not on my list of movies I needed to see, but it was one of two Chris and I got the ok to see from Rachelle. And being as it was planning closest to when we got to the theater it won. I would've rather seen Drag Me to Hell. Travolta as always makes a great villain. He could truly be evil, I don't really know. Denzel plays a pretty typical Denzel character. It is a crime/drama movie. I think the true sign of what kind of movie it is, is the fact that just two weeks after watching it I already can't remember how it ended. Needless to say it didn't leave a lasting impression on me. Good actors mediocre story. I'm not real sure why the studio felt the need to remake this film.

"Away We Go"
Seen: June 25, 2009
At: San Francisco Centre Century 9
With: My cousin Brian
I really didn't know anything about this movie until my cousin called me a couple weeks ago to see if I wanted to see it with him. I looked it up and saw that John Krasinski (The Office's Jim) was in it and thought it could be worth a look. I'm glad I decided that. It was definitely worth a look. Maya Rudolph typically annoys me. While I would've loved to see Krasinski's Office love interest Jenna Fischer make an appearance here in Rudolph's place, Rudolph made it work. The two play an expectant couple in their thirties trying to figure out their place in the world. I could kind of relate to their plight which may have contributed to my liking the film. Allison Janney and Maggie Gyllenhaal play women that are both crazy in completely different ways. Gyllenhaal's craziness leads to one of the film's best scenes involving a McLaren stroller. It absolutely killed me. This movie is definitely a feel good movie and has some pretty funny moments. I don't think it has a real wide release but if you want to see it (which I really think you should) you should be able to find it somewhere.

"Year One"
Seen: June 27, 2009
At: San Mateo Century 12
With: Myself
The "with" heading there really should read "With: Myself and five other unfortunate souls that paid to be in the theater at the same time as me." I thought this movie was awful. I love Michael Cera and his awkwardness is the only redeeming thing this movie has going for it. The plot sucks. The pair of Black and Cera get bannished from their village then have to save the girls they love after the village is raided by the "mountain people." The movie really has no point. While I did laugh a couple of times, the movie was mostly unfunny. I think the hardest I laughed was when Jack Black farted during the outtakes in the credits at the end of the movie. Olivia Wilde is still hot but neither her screen time nor her costumes do her much justice here. At least I caught the first showing of the day for this garbage which means I only lost out on $6, also know as the "Early Bird." I expected more from Vinnie Jones and Paul Rudd.

"The Hangover"
Seen: June 27, 2009
At: San Mateo Century 12
With: Myself
Thank god I made the decision to see Year One first and follow it up with this film. If I had reversed the order I would've been mad. "The Hangover" saved the day. It looked funny from the previews but I thought it was hilarious. I love Ed Helms and Zack Galifianakis. They're both hilarious in this. There really are too many ridiculous things in this flick for me to list. Suffice it to say, I laughed a lot. Bradley Cooper does annoy me a little bit. And I have to say I figured out where "Doug" was fairly early on in the movie. But that didn't make the movie any less funny. It was more about the journey and discovering what went on the night before than actually finding him. You knew they had to find him in the end. Check it out if you're looking to laugh.