"He's Just Not That Into You"
Seen: February 9, 2009
At: Shattuck Cinemas
With: Myself
So, I've realized that in trying to possibly become a movie critic/reviewer at some point in time, I have to see movies that I may not always really want to see. I'm trying to work my way into this idea, so I decided to try it out with a chick flick. Admittedly, I tend to like chick flicks. So, this looked decent. And it had a good cast going for it. I came out of the movie thinking it was okay with some fairly funny moments. Although it was cheesy in typical chick flick fashion, I really enjoyed the movie. Here's the funny thing with the ways men and women were portrayed in this movie, I found myself trying to decide while I was watching it, if it was in fact a chick flick. This was stupid on my part. After the movie as I thought about it, I realized it was in fact a chick flick. It had the cheesy ending and the victimized (not all of them) women who are empowered in the end. I kind of felt like the movie was feeding us stereotypes of men and women throughout the movie and it seems like that was kind of the point of the movie. You get all these typical personalities, whose lives all seem to intermingle in some way or another. In the end, I think I liked Justin Long's character Alex the best of the male roles and Jennifer Aniston's, Beth the best of the female roles. Montie is gonna be mad about this, but I was also glad that Drew Barrymore didn't have a huge part. Guys, try to avoid seeing this in the theater. Ladies, go see it together and save your boyfriends/husbands from having to see it against their wills. On a final note, I feel like a title change to "Men Are Either Insecure Assholes or Gay, and Women Are Crazy" would've given the viewer a better idea of what the movie was about.
Beth - Let me know what you and T think of it, if you actually get around to seeing it this weekend.
I'm going to see Taken during my 7 hour break from class on Wednesday, so expect to see a review for it later in the week.
1 comment:
Still hoping to see it....our day will come.
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